Names and relationships of any humans that live with you. Will everyone be participating in the session?
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Pet Parent(s)' Email Address
Pet Parent(s)' Cell Phone
Pet Parent(s)' Instagram
Pet Parent(s)' Twitter
Tell me your story. What is your name? Why did your parent(s) name you that? What makes your special? THIS WILL BE YOUR QUOTE ON THE BLOG INTRODUCING YOURSELF TO THE WORLD!
Would you like a blog post?
I know with sick pets that you may not want a blog post put onto my website. If you would like to opt out please let me know.
Yes, a blog post is alright.
No, please don't make a blog post.
What color are you? Any unique markings? What breed are you?
What is your energy level like?
How do you react to new situations? Are you nervous around new people, places, or other animals?
What are your favorite things to do?
What is your favorite place in the whole world?
What motivates you the most: food, toys, attention, or something else?
Do your parents smoke in your home
Cat sessions are, by default, at home. If you would like to do it somewhere else please use this box to tell me about that.
How are your parents most interested in displaying their artwork? (Check all that apply)
One large wall piece
A wall gallery with a series of images
Session album or book
Digital files
Small desk prints (8x12 and smaller)
If you are considering hanging artwork on your walls, tell me about the décor in that room. Is it modern, traditional, rustic? What are the main colors?
Any expectations for the session? Things your parents LOVE or things they do not want?
How did your parents find out about me?
Have your parents ever worked with a professional photographer? Were they happy with that experience? Why or why not?
Are there any particular images from my website that really resonate with your parents (and you)?
Please use this space if there is anything else important you would like to tell me (if I should avoid touching you anywhere in particular (paws neck, etc.), if you're blind or deaf, if you have any special medical issues that could impact our shoot, or if you have any questions or concerns.